Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday 30-10 - More Oxford shopping

Karen went to work for the first time, leaving Aiden with his new nanny. Lioni and I were with her as she left. Soon after I went to Danis place. We had bagels for breakfast and decided what we hadto do that day. Dani still was feeling a bit flu-y and had Uni stuff to get done.

We went to Maria´s room, where she was looking at concert tickets that she wanted to buy. There were so many amazing acts playing over the next month. So many I would want to go to. Thats the thing with London. Everyone plays here all the time, but you hardly end up seeing them. Okervil river were set to play a couple days before our birthday, supported by The Dodos. I had seen both these acts before,but could easily see both again.

Maria was going to meet her friend Eva and buy tickets near Oxford street. I decided to go with them. So Maria and Eva and I went to get tickets. Then Maria left to go to a lecture. Eva and I carried on down Oxford Street. We had to find costume things. We tried Hamleys. Big mistake going to the biggest city toystore in London in the middle of school holidays. It was a battlefield and we fled with our tales between our legs.

Eva left soon after,but I still needed to find the right tops of my costume. I planned on trying super cheap Primarq. I walked and walked until I got to the end of Oxford street. The wrong end of Oxford street. I had gone in the wrong direction. So back down I went to the other end in the rain.

I pushed my way through Primarq until I found my white top and skirts and stripy stuff. That place is an absolute jungle. Then back to Karen. I met Dani at the door. For dinner we had the most excellent salad. It consisted of grilled holoumi, watercress, rocket, oven grilled carrot, eggplant and sweet potato, onion, apple with balsamic drizzle, cooked spinach, rocket, olives and nice bread. Mmmmmm.

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