Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tuesday 30-09 - First day

First day/ second night of Jewish new year. I was told to at the flat by 10-30. So after Dani left for her first day at uni I got got dressed and made my way over, only to find everyone else asleep. Almost all the others had overslept and were hurriedly getting dressed. We got to shule later that expected.

The guy at the door asked my age as he gestured me towards the high school kids seats. Then looked suitably embarrassed when I told him how old I actually was.

It was a nice service. The rabbi´s speech was bit preachy but not too bad. The congregation was then squashed into the entry hall, trying to stay out of the torrential rain. We could only wait for so long before making a run for it. What a fine day for everyone to forget their umbrellas.

We ate Itsu salads for lunch. I had wanted their amazing teriaki chicken noodle soup, but it was the height of lunch hour and they were sold out. We headed back to the flat and relaxed. The rest of the evening was quiet, spent at Dani's.

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