Friday, October 10, 2008

wednesday 8-10 - Park life

I met up with Karen at Patisserie Valerie for lunch. We both wanted Caesar salad. I wanted mine without bacon and Karen anted hers without dressing. Instead they brought a salad with neither and a salad with both bacon and dressing. Aiden hadn´t been sleeping well for days. So after lunch I took him out to the park for a while.

I realised I had never had time alone with him before. Sure I had entertained him while people were in the other room. But I had never been in a place with just me and him. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. I just thought about all the time I wouldn´t have with him when I would go back to Perth. All the things I would miss, like his first words or seeing him crawl or walk. He´s only my cousin. But I want to hug him. I want to spoil him with toys and treats. I want to be a part of his life. I hate the thought that I come back to London in a few years and he doesn´t remember me. I hope that of all the time I spend with him, at least some of it will stick.

We sat in the park blowing bubbles and then read a book. It was great.

I walked down to H & M to get get new socks. I managed to finish great socks. When I got a call from the family back in Perth I remembered. It was the start of Yom Kippur that night. The 25 hour fast for purity of the soul and all that stuff. On the way home I picked up Itsu salad and their amazing frozen yogurt. I ate and officially started my fast, then fed Aiden.

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