Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday 14-10 - To Paris again

I woke up and went out with Karen. In the evening I was set to train to Paris for a week. I still hadn´t packed. But out we went anyway. For lunch we walked down to Lamb Conduit, to the family Italian. The walls were covered in retro music and Hollywood memorabilia. They make good pizza. We chatted away about bits and pieces into the afternoon.

Mushroom calzone

I realised that time was passing and I hadn´t packed for Paris.

Back at the flat I ran around packing. Then spent some time with Aiden. Dani came over when her uni was finished. We had wine.

I watched the clock.

At 6-30 I once more picked up my backpack (now much lighter) and took the tube to the train station. Through the security and customs and sitting around until it was time to board. I took the time to refresh the French numbers. That's about the only French I knew anyway. The train was half empty so stretched out over 2 seats. It was after 11 when I arrived.

I got myself a ten pack of metro tickets and caught the metro. I was already running late to Janelle, who I would be staying with. She was there with her guy Yoann. He seemed nice. The three of us took the final leg to their flat in the South of Paris. We walked back and chatted.

The flat was nice, with a good view into a garden. Everyone was tired. Especially poor Yoann, who had been up at 5 for work. So we bid farewell until the morning.

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