Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday 15-10 - Cake

Yoann was up at 7 for work, though I didn´t really notice him passing me by. Janelle and I only woke up later that morning. We ate cereal with dried strawberries in it. Then brioche. We watched French MTV off the computer as we ate. Mostly because it was the only channel we could get that we could understand. If we listened carefully we could pick up the original English under the dub. We watched all the classics, date my mom, sweet sixteen and parental control. I coudn´t get my Internet connected.

We set off to Luxembourg gardens to see the new De Miro A Warhol exhibit. We found the gardens easily, but it took time to find the museum. We wondered around the grounds.

The spinning wheel, Luxembourg Gardens

We reached the gates of the museum only to find out we were a day early. A red carpet flowed to the door, topped with people dressed nicely. Today the VIPs got to see the exhibit. We wondered towards Notre Dame.

Stuffed animals are all the rage this year

The street we walked down was the comic book street. Shop after shop of comics and manga. It as like a dream, except that everything was in French. All the arty comics that looked interesting. So many beautiful worlds, but I couldn´t get in to them. Maybe I should learn French. Afterwards I forgot the name of the street.

We found a bakery near the church. We sat down to eat lunch. They got were part of our order wrong except for the water. That was ok though, we were fed. We let the place to a street lined with Asian style grocery stores. Stir fry seemed like a good idea for the nights dinner, so we picked up noodles and dehydrated mushrooms.

We were in the mood for cake. A proper patisserie had a wonderful selection. I couldn´t chose from the cabinet of amazing cakes. I picked one with raspberry and gold dust. We ate the cakes at a park outside Notre Dame. We had to use some of the cardboard as a fork. But it as worth it, the cake was amazing.

Chocolate raspberry cake

We took a look around the outside of the church and at the stalls near the river. We looked through some English bookshops and a small gallery art shop. The rain stopped and started. We walked down main streets with high street shopping. The rain stuck around this time. It wasn´t the weather to be out and about.

Notre Dame from across the river

Back near Jannelles we picked up wine. Then we started cooking up veggies for the stir fry. We soaked the dried mushrooms,causing them to explode to life. The revived mushrooms were so large we had nothing to hold them in. Except that they were still too tough to eat. We tried boiling them and frying them. They were still a bit tough. Everything else was great though.

Yoann came back and we ate. We had made enough for 5 people, there was just so much food. It was tasty though so everything went down well. We drank wine and watched more MTV before making our way to sleep.

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