Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday 16-10 - Graves for music and pen

Attempt 2 to make the Luxembourg museum. But first a stop at Montparnnasse cemetery. It poured, but I got a nice call from Karen as got ourselves lost.

Lost in South Paris

This graveyard was smaller, but more cheerful than the other cemetery we went to in Paris. The streets were more ordered and the graves newer. The clouds were grey, spitting drops of rain on us.

Janelle captures the moment

We found the combined graves of Simone De Beauvuoir and Jean Paul Satre. We lay a stone for them.

Satre and De Beauvoir

We saw Serge Gainsburg. We wanted to see Man Ray, but we couldn´t find him anywhere. Then we got hungry.

Serge Gainsburg

We passed an ornate stone labelled ¨Ricardo¨. We had no idea who he was. We would later find out that he was the assistant of the artist that made the stone.

Ricardo, man of mystery

After a few failed attempts to find crepes we got food from a supermarket. We walked to find a place to sit, except that everything was wet from the rain. Eventually we came upon a dry bench and ate lunch. Then half a baguette and cheese. I was stuffed.

The exhibit we wanted to see was finally open – De Miro A Warhol (from Miro to Warhol). Its a good thing they didn´t call it Miro AND Warhol. There was only one by each artist. In fact there were only 4 rooms all up. It was really tiny, especially considering the ticket price. They were nice pieces, but nothing special. There was also a good Tanguey and Litchenstein´s Mirror #1. They were my favourite pieces.

The gallery left us both feeling tired, sore and unfulfilled. The rain started again. We made our way home.

Then out again. Yoann joined us as we trained to the Latin quarter to have dinner. We picked a place with a set menu. Well, every restaurant on the street had a set menu or two. We picked a restaurant that looked decent.

The decor had a pretty traditional French set,although it felt like probably a tourist place. Apart from Yoann and the waiters, only one other person spoke French. Janelle and I started with salad while the boy had gizzards.

I had a confit duck plate for mains. I was still semi-full from lunch. But I ate still attempted most of the enormous plate. Yoann had tripe. The desserts were nice but I had trouble finishing it, I felt so full. I roll out the door as we strolled the streets a bit.

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