Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friday 3-10 - big lunch, farewells

Everyone went to the classy Chinese restaurant Shanghai Blues. The grandparents and Mum were set to leave for the airport that afternoon. This was a fair well lunch.

Aiden and I

First we waited for Josh to train back from Cranfield. He had gone up to Cranfield the morning before to register. He has had spent the night there to partake in the meet and greet party that night. We were all anxious to see how his first night there had been. He later told us it had gone well and that the other students were really great people.

The restaurant was quite smart for a Chinese restaurant. We squeezed 8 people and a pram into the corner of the room. Everyone was getting the special lobster lunch menu. It entailed a dim sum starter and then lobster with rice or noodles. The dim sum were really great. Some were seafood and some were vegetable.

Next we had crispy peking duck for the table. In truth this might have been my favourite bit of the meal. An entire duck's worth of meat cut onto a tray. Then all the usual wraps and vegetables and sauces in D-I-Y fashion. Even after the bread and sauce was gone, we were all still diving for the last bits of duck with our chopsticks.

Duck, dim sum

The main course, the lobster. He came cut up on a bed of noodles. Escept for his head, which sat on the front of the plate, staring at me. It's a good thing I'm not the type to be put off by animal heads. We all dug into the head and claws and tail unto all the treasure inside was gone.

Lobster lunch

By that time I was very full. It was also time for the travellers to collect their things and be on their way. There was a teary goodbye outside the restaurant as we parted ways with our Grandparents. It wasn't as bad for me as for the other two, I would see them again in just under 2 months. The rest of us walked slowly back to Karen's flat.

Then the second round of goodbyes. Mum left for the airport and we waved from the window until she disappeared from sight. Now it was Dad, Karen and three of us.

Josh needed warm jackets for the freezing Cranfield winter, so we went with Dad to my favourite addiction (H and M). We tried the near by store and were successful, but there was a jacket we had to pick up from the other store. So off we went. On the way we stopped at a candy store so Dani could get supplies for her cupcakes. Then to a dvd store to splurge on cheap dvds. We browsed dvds for the longest time, easily distracted. By the time got to the other store and bought the jacket it was dark.

We had originally planned to go to dinner with him, but after that huge lunch no one wanted to eat. So we got take out and watched 2 days in Paris. I hadn't heard of it, but Dani recommend it so I thought, why not. I enjoyed it a lot, kind of funny French humour.

It was a much nicer, much more chilled way to spend the night with Dad.

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