Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday 10-10 - Babysitting

Karen had meetings to go to. My job was to come with and babysit. My got to the first meeting early. We got into the lobby of the huge building and signed in for guest passes. Up to the top floor where Aiden and I waited on the luxury couch. I played with Aiden and read him a book while waiting for his mum to finish with her meeting. I tried to make sure he tried drool too much on their couch.

Next stop is running across town to the next meeting. We carried the stroller up and down and up the tube stairs. This smaller building had a garden in front, so I stayed outside with Aiden to let him sleep for a while. We watched people rushing in and out of the building.

Babysitting in the garden

The meetings were finished so I bid farewell to mother and baby. I strolled down to Portabello road. I had lunch at a trendy corner pub. There was a Moroccan chicken on crisp bread with home made crisps.

Morrocan chicken on flatbread with homemade chips

Then I walked down the Portabello road markets. I like walking through each section of the market. First the antiques and then the food and the second hand clothes. I looked around but didn´t find anything I felt like buying. Sometimes it´s just nice to wander. I did stop into the Hummingbird bakery to pick up vanilla cupcakes.

I tubed to Dani. As I got near the door I got message asking me bring something good to eat or drink. Good thing I had those cupcakes. We hung out with cupcakes and cartoons. Dani had to get up early for work, so it wasn´t a big night.

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