Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday 26-10 - Giant burgers

The clocks changed back, throwing the house into chaos. Trying telling a baby that he has to eat and sleep an hour later because of national legislation. His clock was a bit out of whack.

We stayed around the flat and then set out around the corner. On the corner of Karen´s street is a meat and steak type pub that started having Sunday roasts. It sounded like a good idea. We walked around until Aiden settled and then we settled ourselves for late lunch. We all decided upon enormous meat burgers. In arrived plates filled with chips and burgers as big as my head.

I managed to eat most of the plate, but was stuffed to the brim. Josh left to make his way back to Cranfield. Karen, the bub and I walked down to Paperchase. I love Paperchase, its like a stationary Disneyland. So much wonderful sights. I happen to be one of those people who are obsessed with stationary. There they were, blank and lined notebooks as far as the eye could see.

We browsed the aisles until we found what we wanted. I got erasers with headphones and mixtapes on them. Then set off home with our spoils of war.

Back at home we gave Aiden an adorable bath. Karen and I were still so full from lunch that neither of us wanted dinner.

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