Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday 19-11 - Welcome

Dani and I met up. We went to the Wellcome collection. It was a collection started by the explorer Henry Wellcome. It is an exploration of medicine, health and the human body. We had wanted to check it out for ages, but had never gotten around to it. But time was running out. The exhibit was an interesting mix of art and interactive activities. There were sounds chairs that talked to you when you sat on them.

Chairs that talk

An assortment of human body themed pieces.

Dani and the cabinet

A shelf of medicine things

There were see through bodies with flashing lights and exhibits about obesity.

The  body

Obesity man

We decided to move into the design museum next. So we tubed to tower bridge. The sky was so amazingly bright. Maybe it was my leaving that made the twilight all the more vivid. I was really going to miss this place.

Tower bridge at twilight 2

Tower bridge at twilight 4

Tower bridge at twilight 3

We got lost on the way to the museum. By the time we got there the place was almost closed. There was enough time to drool over everything in the gallery shop before heading back. We took the longer route, strolling down the water front.

It was the last evening I was going to spend with Karen and Aiden for a while. So we wanted to make it special. Well, special enough for Thai take out and wine. We drank and watched TV. Topped off by Dani going out to get crunchie icecream.

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