Monday, November 17, 2008

15-11 - The tattoo party

I as feeling better the next morning. Not 100 percent though. My appetite wasn´t really back yet. Perth/Bristol friend Michael had arrived the night before and slept on Dani´s floor. While Dani as at work we started decorating the room. Josh and Michael and I set off to find the pieces we needed.

I knew that the cheap junk shops we needed were somewhere near the place. But ended up walking the complete wrong way. We walked all around the place and got even more lost. Luckily Josh´s phone had GPS and found our location. We took the long circle route to Brick Lane.

A good part of the afternoon was spent finding the shops we needed. But we found them. We got a dart board and playing cards for Danis room, plus a couple boxes of fairy lights for both rooms. Back at the house the boys strung up the cards while I drew pin up girls.

Pin up girl 1

Pin up girl 2

cards and lights

Both rooms were looking amazing.

The marina room

It was about then that all the girls came home. We cleaned up the rooms to make then Party safe. Mostly it meant covering things up or dumping them in the lockable room upstairs. Then the girls, Josh and Michael went to Tescos to stocks up on drinks. A little bit of food also.

Drinks,drinks, drinks and some food

We covered Danis desk with the 280 or so temporary tattoos we had bought and cut up. I hoped people would get into them.

280 tattoos

I certainly did.

More party ink - hearts

More party ink - anchor

The specified start time for the party had passed and people had begun to trickle in. Dani kept telling Josh and I to wait in one room or another. She would busily run about the rest of the house organising her present to us. Finally she was ready to give it to us. We were brought to Felicity´s room, followed by the other party goers. Maria and Felicity were sitting on the back of the bed, while Dani and her band mate Jason sat at the front. He had a glockenspiel and she had a pink ukulele.

With the girls doing vocal back up and accompanied by Jason, she sung the Triptych song. It was really beautiful. I was speechless by the end. Every word every line made me smile and made me almost shed a tear.

Birthday song 2

It was a really nice start to the night. Soon the lap top in Maria´s room was replaced by a mixing desk accompanied by huge speakers. The night was heating up. Roommate Myles was first to play D.

Myles plays beats

We started getting into the atmosphere as more and more people showed up.

Stripes both

The tattoo room as working well. On arriving at the party,everyone would stop off there. There were tattoos on arms and backs and foreheads (my favourite). It helped to connect everyone to the theme and to each other. Most people didn´t know most of the other partiers. The invites had gone out from 7 or so people each inviting their own friends. So the crowd was diverse.

Putting on tats

One by one they disappear

I was having a pretty good time,even though I only knew a handful of people. But I was not yet over the virus I had the day before. Every time I drank some of my cider I felt sick. So I sipped only and drank far less than I had expected to. I wasn´t getting into the celebrations as much as I had hoped either. The rooms were getting pretty crowded, so I followed a bunch of people up onto the roof.

Roof top party

Planet Earth and Dani

We talked about there for a while. The roof was also getting crowded. I had never seen so many people up there before. They were everywhere, on the tiles and the brick walls. I went back down to the party, which was now in full throng. Three of the rooms were open, packed with crowds.

Busy busy party


The crowds became so intense it was almost impossible to leave the crowded room you were in. Getting through the corridors and stairs wells was even worse. Maria room became a packed club room. There were so many people you couldn´t even move to dance.

Congestion in the coridoors

At about 4 I was feeling tired, slightly sick and awfully sober. I retreated to Danis room with my brother,sister and a couple of other people. We chilled on the bed for a while with the door shut to stop people coming in. It didn´t stop everyone but at least there were less people. I few hours later I settled to sleep.

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