Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday 08-11 - Raindance

Saturday morning was easy going. I didn´t go out so much because Josh and I had to baby sit Aiden through most of the day. The lord Mayer show was one and we thought of taking him down to see the military marches. But the weather proved otherwise. It as just too cold and too wet to take him out. So we entertained him at the flat. We fed and put him to sleep until Karen returned.

Perth band Snowman were playing that night. Dani and Felicity came to meet me and we set off. We met Josh near the bar. The door man was a bit of a jerk when checking our IDs. I don´t think he believed that all three of us were 22. I thought about the week to follow, when he would have to believe we were 23. It was both exciting and scary.

We arrived just after they started playing. I stood nearish to the front to watch,although the others disappeared. The set was good, I´m starting to get to know their new songs. We had some cider while we waited for the head liner to start. His name was Ned Collette, and apparently he was from Melbourne. I really liked his work and also his voice.

After Snowman we decided to go to Trash Palace. It was a good idea except for the rain. Only half of us had umbrellas and it was bucketing down. We paired up and ran as fast as we could, feet getting drenched by the pools growing at our feet. Finally we got to our destination. My hair felt like I had just gotten out of a shower.

Trash Palace boogie

We dried off while dancing and drank more cider. Dani met up with her friends at her old workplace. We danced to the cheesy dance tunes. Everyone had things to do the next day so we made our way home, after a KFC pitstop of course. Dangerous. But somehow delicious.

The terror at the end of the night

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