Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thursday 06-11 - Noah and the Party

The morning was quiet. Dani came around to the flat and then we set off to find some lunch. She felt like something small while I felt like something warm on such a cold day. So we found a place that did soups and healthy salads. I had a thick Moroccan vegetable soup with a chunk of brown bread.

Then to the British Museum. Dani had sketching to do for class. I showed her the hidden sections of the museum I had recently discovered. We sketched around the place. Then parted ways when she went to class.

That night Noah and the Whale were playing at Kokos. Neither of us had tickets to the sold out gig. I had only heard their stuff once before and hadn´t been instantly converted. But Dani ex-band mate and his friend were the support act for the show. With some messaging through out the day Dani had gotten herself on the door list. One of their friends had backed out and I was going to use their name,so we were both set to go to this concert.

My other plans had involved some free indie club night near Dani´s, but what ever the case, I wanted to go out. We went to Kokos. There was already a line around the corner. We walked straight past it through the guest list entrance. I love doing that. Kokos was still empty.

Mixing desk at Kokos

Slowly people dotted the floor. Planet Earth (Sam and Nick and Anne) took to the stage. They played short and lovely set.

Planet Earth

We hung around and had some very expensive Kokos drinks. Wow they can really charge for drinks there. By the time the next band started the floor was packed. So were the floors above. I took a look around the room. It was a gorgeous red and gold trimmed place with a huge disco ball.

Red and gold trim

Disco ball at Kokos

Noah and the Whale came on to an audience of screams. People are really really into these guys. This was the second time I had heard them. I started to get into them more. They´re not too bad. Every song was a crowd favourite, by the sound of things. At the last song the support acts came on stage to join in.

Planet Earth + Noah and the Whale

After everyone had cleared out we went up to the after party on the top floor of the club. Which was really just everyone getting even more drunk. We hung around there for a while,until the security guards shuffled the last partiers out onto the street.

At Kokos

We wondered around in search of another party. Instead we found night late kebabs and a welcome bed.

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