Friday, November 7, 2008

Wednesday 05-11 - Babysitting day 2

The day started late. Soon after getting up it was time for lunch. Lunch was at Pizza Express. They have excellent chicken salads there. With croĆ»tons and goats cheese and fresh, soft grissini. Then took Aiden for the afternoon. After Monday´s babysitting I was feeling much more confident with looking after him for long periods.

I took him to the museum again to see how long I could get him to sleep for. I had recently been told about a section of the museum I had never been to before. I always tended to stay around the ground floor. Most of the big stuff is on the ground floor, with the Rosetta Stone and Elger Marbles. The majority of the Greek statues with the Enlightenment room. But up on the 3rd floor are these Early Roman and Mesopotamian room. They were interesting and most importantly, quiet. There was hardly a breath or a footstep. A perfect place let the babe sleep while I sketched away with my new sketch books and pencils. He got an amazing 2 hours of sleep.

I took him home to feed him. Then a little later I gave him a bath and put him to bed. I was the only other person to have bathed and put him to bed without Karen being there. It all went smoothly. I thought to myself ¨I can do this, I´m getting pretty good at it¨. Next year´s Paediatrics will be much easier for me now. I think if I hadn´t had this practice with babies they would have completely freaked me out. Now I´m really comfortable.

I didn´t think I would be able to get him to sleep. It was Guy Fawks that night. I have never heard the town noisier. There wasn´t 5 minutes without explosions heard in every direction. Thankfully he didn´t wake up. With Aiden sleeping soundly, I had dinner and hung out until Karen came home.

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