Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday 21-11 and Saturday 22-11 - Flight home

The day started with sad farewells from the flatmates. Then Dani and I left hers. I made sure I had every with me.

Getting to Karens flat I realised I had left both my laptop cable and my phone. But we were hungry and hadn´t eaten yet. So we went to the over priced and touristy but interesting My Old Dutch pancake house. They specialise in bizarre combinations on thin enormous crepes.

I had a small starter of cheese baked in bread crumbs. Then chicken curry and chutney pancake. Very strange. Dani and I were both quiet. It hadn´t quite hit me before, but I was so close to leaving London for what could be a very long time. There were so many things I had gotten used to. So many things I had gotten comfortable with. I was going to miss this crazy city.

cheese starters

Chicken curry pancake

I tubed back to Danis to get my forgotten bits and then returned. I finished packing and got ready to leave. In the end I had taken my winter boots out of my bag and posted 2 kilos of books by sea mail. Hopefully these things would keep me under the weight limit. Then Dani and I sat watching bad American TV until the time came. I tried not to make a big deal out of it, after all we would see each other three weeks later. But it was emotional.

I was 3 kilos over weight, but the lady let me through without mentioning it for some reason. I did put on the young, lost and hopeless girl routine. Maybe that helped. You just have to tie your hoodie around your waste and look terrified. I looked for free wifi, but couldn´t find any. So I found a quiet spot to draw the time away.

Empty airport

We were 45 minutes to an hour late in taking off. I didn´t really mind. I watched The Incredible Hulk and The Incredibles, then the Big Bang Theory. There was Chinese chicken with rice for dinner which wasn´t too bad. The sleep was ok. There was a full plane. But the guy next to me disappeared 20 minutes into the flight, so I had 2 seats to sleep on. I enjoyed the breakfast they served. It had the yummy lemon and orange yogurt I tried at Karens. The eggs weren´t bad.

On landing there were a bunch of names called over the loud speaker that had to report to the ground staff. Mine was one of them.. I´ve never had my name called over an airport or plane speaker. It was interesting. Except that we had no idea what it was for. I thought thats just what I need, a lost bag to deal with. It turns out they just had to re-enter some passport numbers for some reason.

The idea of Australia started to excite me. I was liking more and more the idea of being beck there. Everywhere I went waiting to board, there were Australian accents. The flight over was short and easy. My mum and dad were waiting for me at the airport.

It was raining, pouring as I stepped out into the Perth air. It was a gorgeous night. I as tired, but buzzing. I was home.

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