Monday, November 17, 2008

Friday 14-11 - sick day

Early that morning I was not feeling goos at all. I was awoken with pain. I weathered it out until it was late enough to get up. By then I was feeling quiet sick. I lay on the couch for a while. I rung Dani. It turns out she had also been sick. We both seemed to have caught the viral bug that had been making the rounds in the city. This is jusy what we needed. Today we were supposed to get everything organised for the party on Saturday. Instead all I could do was lie on the couch feeling sorry or myself.

I took off the bandage covering my new tattoo. This was the first time I could get a proper look at it. I liked what I saw. I was really happy with the font of the letters. None of the lines were crooked. A well done job.


I slept during the day and as feeling a bit better by the afternoon. So I packed up and went to Danis to see if I could help her with anything. Dani was napping on and off, so I hung around. Later in the evening we helped Maria decorate her room. The theme was nautical tats. So we drew marine pictures on long strips of white paper. I drew a sea monster and a mermaid and a sailor and a ship. It was a quiet Friday.

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