Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday 23-11 - The End.

This post marks the end of my travels. The time has come to restart everything put on hold. My life continues.

I spent more than six months planning for this year. Its hard to believe that its all over. Now the potential of the future is the memory of the past. For the most part, good memories. This year has had good times and bad times. Times of anger at myself and the world. Times of joy and gladness and comfort. Feeling close and feeling alone. Ups and downs.

I have traveled by

-Horse and cart
-Piggyback ride

I´ve been pelted with tomatoes.

I´ve slept outside a Spanish train station.

I climbed and volcano and swam in a volcanic spring.

I did things I could have otherwise only dreamed of doing.

When I left, I had an idea in my head of the person I was going to be when all this was done. I didn´t know how I was going to become that person, I didn´t even know what that person was supposed to be like. I guess I had on of these movie ideas, getting of the plane transformed.

Now I have stepped off the plane. I don´t think I am that perfect person I imagined. But now I know what type of person I want to become. I know what it is I need to achieve. I think that might be better. I have something to strive for now, a path to follow.

Thanks everyone for reading this blog and following my journey. It has meant a lot that you could all share it with me. It made me feel a little less homesick, when I was feeling blue.

So here I go. Back into the world. Into my life. Into the next great adventure.

Wish me luck.

New haircut


David Adam (zanchey) said...

Welcome home! I have really enjoyed reading your blog.

Josh said...

We had a good run =)

Till Hong Kong...

Mr. David M. Beyer said...

Hey -- I've been reading your "adopt a microbe" blog for ages. Can you set up an rss feed for this blog, too? I'd like to follow this one as well, but I'm too lazy to visit it myself. I need an application to do the work for me.

Echo_Jezebel said...

wow your blogs amazing ^_^
really haha

Emma Lurie said...


So was the trip.