Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday 10-11 - Forgotten things

I woke up late. I listened to the new Okkervil River album. It was really growing on me. I went out to H & M to see if I could find things to wear to hospital next year. I found a black skirt and a spotty top. I got to the counter, realising only then that I had left my wallet back at the flat. So out I went and back to the flat. The rain came thick and fast.

I walked through the rain, getting completely drenched. My socks were wet through and through. I was glad when I got back to the flat to change my jeans and socks.

Once dry and warm and more sensibly dressed, it was over to Danis but no one was home. So I walked down to the place where she was working. It was pouring once again, But now I had gum boots on my feet and Okkervil in my ears. I skipped happily under my umbrella.

I visited my sister at the book shop and picked up her keys. The rain was harsher now. On the way I picked up instant Asian cup noodles. They were a nice way to chill in the cold weather.

For dinner we had a veggie sausage salad, with Maria who was making her own salad with fish cakes. Felicity joined us soon after. The four girls spent the night watching American Dad on Danis bed drinking wine and cider.

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