Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saturday 01-11 - Rain and a short day

I woke up late. At about 2pm I finally regained consciousness. Thankfully I wasn't hung over. I picked my self up and took myself over to the West End. I need to pick up the eggs I forgot at Karen's. I also told Dan I would find a muffin tray for the cupcaking that night. It was pouring with rain.

I got to Karen's to find no one home. And Lioni had the second set of keys. I tried calling her to see where she was, but my phone had died. This meant I couldn't get to the eggs, or a fresh change of clothes, or the location of the baking shop I needed. So I found lunch and went for tea at the British Museum. I sat in the glass covered courtyard in refuge from the cold outside. I sketched the people in front of me.

A short time later I made my way back to Dani, but not before picking up some more eggs. As I was arriving back, the other girls were just waking up from our big night. Dani got back from work, tired. So I made us some soup before the baking started.


The baking went well.


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