Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday 04-11 - Election

I washed my hair and did my laundry. Both really needed to be done.

Then made my way to Soho,where Karen was doing her thing. I picked up Aiden and took him to Hamleys. Outside the store the staff were dressed as circus masters and Dorothy. They filled the streets with bubbles. Being so close to xmas, the silver and red tinsel was already adorning every roof and eave. Aiden was in a good mood and smiled as I showed him the yapping toy puppies. Although he seemed far more interested in the holiday decorations above our heads. I showed him the wild animal toys and remote control helicopters.

I brought him and set off on my own to find lunch and an art supply store. I needed new pens. Luckily for my the next street down had 3 large art stores, all of which were having sales. I had a good time drooling over art supplies. I got nice gourmet pizza for lunch.

It was US election day. The first polls only closed at midnight our time. But through out the the news stations stations were building the tension. On the walk home Karen and I talked about what it would mean if Obama won. I tried not to be overly optimistic about anything.

Everyone else in the house was asleep. I snuggled on the couch with a doona and online election results. I lasted until 2. At that point Democrats were leading 103 to 34. I decided I could go to sleep without worrying.

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