Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday 24-09 - bday 1

Today was our Grandad´s birthday. So the day started with a setting up birthday cards and waiting for the birthday boy to join us. We all met up and started the walk to the Tate modern. The sky threatened to rain, but only threatened. It was cold today.

on the way to the tate

I love the Tate modern. It has such wonderful things to see and do. Plus an amazing bookshop. The walk was long enough that some of our party was getting sore legs. We all decided to break for lunch before walking around. We went to the upstairs restaurant and got in the half hour wait for a table. While we waiting we had wine with olives and nuts. Not a good idea for me to start drinking so early in the day. But oh well.

roseĀ“ and snacks

Lunch was nice, with the same pesto and pumpkins and pinenut penne I had the last time. We fed Aiden, whom we were babysitting at the museum. We put him down to sleep. By the end of lunch I could feel the alcohol.

penne and pumpkin at the tate

We walked around the Surrealist section. I lost track of everyone but found an abstract expressionism exhibit focused on this Australian painter (have forgotten the name). I think he perfectly captured the feel of the Australian Landscape.

We didn´t stay too long, but first popped into the bookshop. No visit to the Tate is complete without a visit to the bookshop. I love the design books and the photography books and the illustrations. I kept Aiden busy by running his stroller up and down the hill of the enormous turbine hall. I was exhausted afterwards. But mostly sober.

We put the GPs on a bus back to tho hotel and then we walked. Back at Karens there was a visitor from the flat above.

Grandad´s Bday dinner. We got to the Japanese style restaurant we had planned to eat at only to find a queue far into the street. So we walked in the direction of the flat. Everywhere was full on this bustling Wednesday night. There was a Thai place no one had tried yet with room, so that where we went. I´m glad we did, the food was great. After all the wine at lunch I decided to stick to water. Everyone else thought I was mad, but I didn´t care. The high light was the banana fritter and ice cream dessert.

Banana fritter and ice cream

I slept at Dani´s house.

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