Thursday, September 18, 2008

Monday 15-09 - Homeward bound

Woke up with a hang over and early. Got maybe 2 hours of sleep. The uses were backed up to the point that we had to wait more than an hour. The organisers apologised and did everything they could to fix the problem. They even sprung for taxis to take of us. We were pointed towards a taxi that we shared with 2 girls, still in their PJs and with mascara from the night before. We were all exhausted.

Saying goodbye

Getting on the train was painless and we got seats in an empty carriage. I let my eyelids shut and before I knew it we were at Waterloo station. We made our way back to Karens. We stayed around the flat, being tired. Our mum made us a nice dinner, before we passed out from tiredness.

Green salad, steak and tiny tatas

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