Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thursday 25-09 - perth times

Shoe shoppig at Neil Street. I needed some, and rather really wanted, some new boots. All my past boots had been flats or big chunky platforms. I wanted something sleek. I wanted something sexy and modern. All the girls minus Dani went to Neil Street near seven dials. I started off at Mr Shoes, the place I found my wellies.

My feet are inpracticaly tiny. Finding shoes to fit becomes so much of a chore I usually end up at a kids shoe store. This shop has so many shoes in my size. I found some potential shoes and settles on the most perfect pair of boots. The most perfect pair of boots I have ever owned. Tall heels, but not too tall. Thin points, but not too thin. Pointy toes, but not too pointy. A sleek black leather looking finish and a good price. So much love.

Lunch was at Itsu again, where I was introduced to their awesome chicken teriaki noodle soups. We ate their until mum wasn't feeling too good. She left early and I left doon after to see if she was ok. Back at the flat mum went to sleep off the sick feeling. We hung out.

In the evcening we headed off to see the Perth band The Bank Holidays. They had come to London to tour. We were lucky enough to be able to see them. I was so excited. I hadn't seen them play in such a long time.

We got to the bar and it could have been any Perth pub, except that we new less people. We had some cider as we watched the opening act. The front woman was incredibly charismatic with a spectacular voice. She had great short black hair that made me want to cut my hair short again.

The opening act

Slowly more and people I know showed up. Lots of people I knew from Perth who all happened to be in London. We were all drawn together by the adorable pop of the Bank Holidays.

They played an excellent set. All the old favourites we had come to know. I sang along to myself. Of course I knew all the words. I felt excited and giddy like a teenage girl who just spotted her favourite popstar walking down the street. They danced around the stage. I just hoped that the Londoners would grow to love them as much as we did. The final song (Greatest game, my favourite) had Dani and I singing along out loud.

Aftet the set the now enormous Perth crowd sat outside in the chill. We caught up and shared our plans for the near future. Everyone started to get tired of the cold, so we all headed together to the tube station home.

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