Thursday, September 11, 2008

Saturday 06-09 - Paella, Plaza Major and Poor Planning

We woke up late and slowly got ready to leave the hostel. It was near lunch by then. So we wondered around. We ended up at Plaza Mayor. As a rule I never eat food at tourist squares but we were all hungry and tired, so I decided to bite the bullet. We sat at one of the touristy places with a waiter standing outside. We ordered drinks which took forever to get there.

Eating paella at Plaza Mayor

Steve at Plaza Mayor

We got paella which was probably frozen and not really worth the price. It was still tasty though and I enjoyed filling my stomach.

Out touristy paella

After filling rice dishes we headed back. I really wanted to go out again this night. The Saturday in Madrid was sure to be awesome. So we hung around the hostel for the rest of the afternoon. We ate snacks.

Pink panther cakes

pink panthercakes are pink twinkies

Then shopping and more snacks. Really awesome nuggets.

Nuggets for dinner

We all decided to nap before eating pasta for dinner and going out. So I set my phone for 10-30 and set to sleep.

I woke up confused at 4am, looked at my phone and swore. I had accidentally set my clock for 10-30 AM.

I lay back down and set back to sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what on earth are those pink things you and josh have in your mouth in the 2nd last picture