Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday 18-09 - darwin

We made our way to the Natural history museum. Once again, we were probably more excited than Aiden.

Adorable brown bear outfit

We started with breakfast of scones and coffee at the cafe in the museum. While we ate we looked at the snakes and the pandas.

breakfast at natural history museum

Its strange, watching all these dead things. An entire building full of the dead, waiting to entertain and educate the London population. And also to entertain me. I found them really interesting. Especially some of the stranger animals. I fell in love with the pangolin. Like a scaly ant eater.

We got to the best bit, the dinosaur section. Complete with moving T Rex that roars at you. He´s just so great. Luckily Aiden wasn´t scared.

T rex that moves 1

We went on to the giant room with the blue whale and all the elephants and ungilates. I felt like a happy kid again. We heard there was a lecture about Darwin and evolution at that time. So we sat on some benches and waited for it to start.

Stopping for  a lecture

Our lecture of the Galapagos

Stopping for  a lecture 2

The lecture started. It was like a talkshow, about the conserving the Galapagos islands. It was kind of boring. Plus Aiden was restless, so we left half way through.

We walked around the fish for a bit.

Umbrella mouth

Angler fish

Then we looked at the giftshop. There are sooooo many things I wanted to buy. I thought of coming back to uy some things.

Ohhhh, candy

For lunch we went to a recommended Polish restaurant down the road. Its food was Polish, but most of it just seemed like Jewish food. That was our roots. It was good to see. I had chicken soup and mushroom golabki (cabbage wrap).

Polish chicken soup

Polish mushroom Golabki

We split up soon after. Dani, josh and I went to a candy store to get snacks.

Sour candy ribbon

Sisters with ribbons

In the evening we had an appointment to babysit. He was quiet for most of the night, letting us watch Pan´s Labyrinth. I hadn´t seen it since the other time in London years ago. Aiden became agitated later. Dani was the one who managed to get him finally to sleep. We never saw the end of the movie, with the other two arriving home after a little too much champs. First night of babysitting Aiden: Success!

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