Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tuesday 16-09 - Pharohs, pineapple

The morning started with baby sitting. The mum went to meet someone and we took the bub out. We walked around for a bit before stopping at a Thai place for lunch. I haven´t had fish cakes in ages so it was really good to taste again. Also green curry and rice. Yum. Aiden was pretty good despite not having slept that night.

Thai chicken dim sum

Green chicken curry

We went to the British Museum with Aiden and Karen and Mum. I think we might have enjoyed the place more than Aiden, although he probaly had a good time as well. I hadn´t been there in a while.

Josh and Aiden at British Museum

Mum and Aiden at British Museum

We started in the Egyptian section. I pointed out interesting facts when ever I could remember them. It had been months since I was in Egypt and a lot of the names and dates were fading from my mind. I new about distinguishing royal statues and about the only female pharoh.

Giant fists

Something was missing. Icecream was missing. So off we went. At Baskin Robbins I got pineapple upsidedown cake flavour. It was pineapple icecream with pineapple ribbons, sponge cake pieces and glace cherries. God amazing.

pineapple upsidedown cake icecream

After that we took a stroll and headed back to the flat,where we chilled for the rest of the night..

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