Monday, September 1, 2008

Friday 29-08 - Day to Kill

I would have slept in if I could, but Dani had an early train. So we got up early went with her to breakfast and to the bus stop. We bid a fare well and made our way back. Slowly we got packed and ready. At 12 we checked out and moved to Valencia. Our first task was to find a luggage locker at the station. I prayed we wouldn´t have to drag our bags around the whole day.

Thankfully there it was so we dumped our things in an enormous locker. Then we headed out. We ate excellent kababs for lunch. Mine was chicken with white cheese. We checked to see if an English language film was available but all the cinemas were closed. So we walked to a distant cinema. It was nice because I realised that the whole time I hadn´t seem any of Valencia. There was a park and garden running the length of the entire city. We passed over it on a bridge as we went.

The further cinemas were also closed. We retraced our steps to a Starbucks near by. We sat in refuge from the heat for an hour. I had a caramel creme frappe, which was heavenly. Then back to the station. There we used Ozymandias to watch some net TV and pass the time.

In the evening we returned to the Japanese buffet. This time though we took our time. We ate slowly and until we couldn´t eat anymore. I hadn´t eaten that well in a long time. Then we sat at the station. By then it was 11. I dosed for a couple of hours. At about 1am we waited for the train. It was late and everyone was grumpy. I made myself as comfortable as I could on thhe seat and slept.

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