Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thursday 04-09 - the last day in sevilla

We woke up and checked our emails. A few days earlier we had noticed we couldn´t find the emails confirmations of our Madrid to London flight. We called British Airways and got the reservation number. The site said there were no flights booked. We freaked out a little. So we called them again. They told us the flight we had booked through a third party a month ago had been cancelled the day we booked it, by that third party. We were shocked. We don´t know why they would cancelled. Checking my statements, no money had been taken out. They didn´t tell us they had done any of this. I was furious.

We than had to find another find at 5 days notice. It was tricky. It ended up being more expensive and with a not so great airline. But at least we had a flight again.

All this chaos meant we only left the hostel as the siesta was starting. Everything was closing for the afternoon. So we walked down to the hip young area. The sun was hot and there was no shade. We ducked into a cafe for iced coffee. like many places in Europe, ice coffee means expresso and a glass full of ice. As I poured the coffee I prayed the heated would not crack the glass.

Ice coffee,the real thing

Back at the hostel we ate on the terrace and watched the view of the cathedral light up in the distance.

View of cathedral from Sevilla hostel

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