Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday 22-09 - Golder´s Green

Today we went with the grandparents to Golder´s Green. Golder´s Green was the home of the Jewish communities in London and is still home to much of religious Jewry. As soon as you step out you see kosher restaurants and people dressed modestly (more so than everyone else in the now cold weather). The whole area is slightly scary and sad. It is the place you picture when someone mentions a dreary London winter.

Josh and Mum had gone down there earlier in the week to buy supplies for the festivals, but had left some important things in a shop. The grandparents also wanted a good old fashioned London Jewish saltbeef on rye. So down we all tubed. First we sat for lunch at a well known kosher restaurant, Blooms. The first thing I noticed was the walls. Murals with torah stories painted everywhere. I was a little more scared. Eek.

Blooms for lunch

I ordered the chicken shnitzel with latka. The latka was almost the size of my head. The chicken was three times bigger. For their gargantuan size, though, they were good. A huge lakta can never go wrong. So much food. I was disgustingly full.

chicken schnitzel and latka

Then we moved to the store of Jewish paraphernalia to pick up our things. We walked back to the tube as the rain started to drip drop. It threatened but never followed through, which was lucky. We picked up round challah and chicken liver.Already it was feeling like Rosh Hashannah.

It was late afternoon when we reached the flat. We arrived to the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Karen was making a stew. I couldn´t wait. The grandparents went to recharge at the hotel, then came over for dinner. The stew was good.

Everyone wanted dessert. So out Dani and I went to buy before the shops closed. We got dark chocolate and kitkats, then a summer fruits trifle. The trifle was amazing. Cream and custard and cake and summer fruits in sauce. Exactly what we all felt like.

Aiden with tulip 1

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