Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sunday 07-09 - Tapa vs Prado

Everyone had slept late into the morning. I don´t think any one was too upset about the mix up the night before. I was a bit dissappointed. But dancing is dancing and touring is a bit more important. We had coffee on the way to a tour meeting point. We joined tapas tour we heard about at the hostel. Our guide was from Venezuela and had was into computers. The boys all enjoyed chatting about hardware and internet and things. There were usually lots of people on th tour but ths time it was just the three of us.

The first bar we got sangria. The tapa was all pork sausage though so Josh and I snacked on the bread. We stayed for a short time before moving onto the next. At the second bar we had better sangria with apple bits. Our tapa was chicken wings and an awesome plate of seafood paella. We scoffed it down. Our guide was a really interesting guy and we all enjoyed getting to know him.

The third place had awesome sangria but pork based foods. We ate cheese and bread bits instead. The fourth place was at the Plaza Mayor. We had beer for the drink. The food was olives and a traditional garlic potato salad. We hung around into the afternoon and then bid farewell to our new friend. We said we might join his pub crawl that night.

After lunch we went to the Prado. Sundays were free entry so we had planned to go that day. Its always nice to get into museums for free. The line looked long but moved quickly. We passed through the doors and were given tickets.

The Prado?

I could spend hours and hours there. I think the boys were a bit bored after a while though. My favourite part was the Goya room. I stood in front of Saturn devouring his Son for what seemed like an eternity. It was so amazing. I couldn´t take my eyes off it. Just that one painting made the visit worthwhile.

After the gallery we hung at the hostel. After dinner I was exhausted (also from drinking during the day). I couldn´t face a pub crawl or the people on it. We stayed at the hostel that night.

Hello Panda and red bull

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