Monday, September 15, 2008

Thursday 11-09 - Freak out

We started the day with breakfast at a bakery. I had chai and a lemon meringue pie cupcake. It a was filling and deceptively large cake. It was awesome until I accidentally got sticky lemon meringue in my hair.

Lemon meringue pie

After breakfast everyone went their separate ways. I got ready for the upcoming festival. I made a decision to leave the backpack at home this time. Instead I would use my sports bag that tucked away into its own little bag. It was perfect because it became a tiny bag and didn´t take much space inside the tent. I packed only the bare essentials for this trip. just enough shirts and only one pair of pants. It weighed about 5kg all up.

Mum, Karen, Aiden, Josh, Dani and myself met up with Paul, Josh and our friend Mara all met for lunch at Wahaca. We ate excellent Mexican food. Everyone had a chance to catch up with each other.

Aiden at Wahaca

Paul and Josh at Wahaca

After lunch we walked around with the boys and stopped in for a drink. I had pear cider and we talked about boys, girls and relationships. A nice afternoon. We parted ways and made our way to Argos to pick up our tents. Stopping in for a drink wasn´t the best idea. Argos was closed by the time we got there. Sigh. We would have to get one the next morning.

We got to Dani´s and decided on a whim to check the e-tickets. My heart almost stopped. There were no e-tickets, or any tickets on the internet at all. All there was, was a paypal receipt with a billing address that read Perth, Australia. Fuck. Where had I sent the tickets the tickets. Had I sent the tickets to Australia? I couldn´t for the life of me remember. I freaked out a little.

We called the festival organisers and left a message to inquire. Then we drank red wine and watched Anchorman. I just needed to calm down. I had troubled sleep.

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