Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tuesday 23-09 - movie day

First, to Bethnal Green to have breakfast with the granparents in Dani´s area. We took the Granparents to our favourite fry up place. The servings are huge and cheap, the food is good. I had omelette with vegetables. It came with the sides of salad and the most chips you have ever seen in your life. We all enjoyed our enormous meals.

Everyone bussed to Brunswick to meet Mum, Karen and Aiden. There we saw a Turkish coming of age film called Winds and Times, I think. It was 2 hours of the most beautiful shots ever taken with a camera. Lots of long spaces without any speaking and slow music. Kids sleeping on rocks and walking through crooked streets. Any real storyline was more of an after thought. I enjoyed it though. I don´t know how much everyone else did.

After the movie we went back to Karen´s to have some dinner and hang out. Then it was off toanother film at a different cinema. Dani was meeting her friend Novak there. We were all going to see Hellboy 2. It was a very different sort of movie. From the word go there was, action, action, action. Cars exploded. Buildings exploded. Complicated plots to follow while crazy special effects flashed infront of the screen.

It as also Guillermo Del Toro, whom I love. He did one of my favourite films, Pans Labyrinth. Many of the crazy creatures in the film could have easily come from Pans. Slightly creepy but amazing at the same time. I can´t remember the last time I saw so many movies on the same day.

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