Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday 02-09 - Good Omens

Getting to the train station was far easier then leaving the station. We hopped on and off the us without trouble. At the station we booked the next train to Sevilla with no problems. Nothing was going wrong,even in the slightest. I was thinking around then about every time something had gone really wrong and left me in a state. Usually something small went wrong earlier in the day. Some small annoyance like a missed bus or lost key. Today there were no bad omens.

We had lunch at a wok while you wait type place where you chose your ingredients salad bar style. Tasty. Then an easy train ride to Sevilla. The directions in the website said the walk was 20 minutes. It felt like it took much longer with the backpacks. We walked through sun soaked streets. The hostel was nice. We were checked in by a sweet English receptionist.

The wallpaper at our hostel in Seville

The terrace was nice and had big round chairs that swallowed you whole.

Em, enveloped in a big wicker chair

Dinner was instant tuna lasanga and corn, with the all too familiar sangria in a plastic bottle. We sat on the terrace roof while we waited for our food to cook.

Tuna lasagna and corn

I heard a song I recognised but couldn´t place wafting up from the lobby so I popped down to ask the receptionist who it was. It was the Klaxons and then Hot Chip, both whom I enjoy. I asked if he knew any places in Sevilla that played that kind of music. He said he had been there for 6 months and still hadn´t found any. I was disappointed to hear that. There were so many in Barcelona. Maybe Madrid would be better.

We hung out at the hostel the rest of the night.

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