Monday, September 1, 2008

Thursday 28-08 - Station

I woke up the next morning sore. My muscles ached from the events of the previous day. We were in no rush to get out. We went down to a late breakfast and showered. Then we took the bus into town. We started at the train station to organise a way out. The place was packed. Half of the 40,000 strong crowd from the festival were trying to get out that day. It was a mad house. I was glad we only needed tickets for the following day. We took a ticket and waited for the international booth. There we tried to get Dani to Amsterdam. She got a ticket to Barcelona. From there she would take a regional train to Cerbere in France and then an overnight to Paris, with the final leg the next day.

By the time we got that all organised and got our own ticket, the line was even bigger. We got some crazy Orxata drink while we waited. It tasted like dirty soy milk.

Orxata drink

Then we got licorice straws and bullets. We kept waiting for an hour more.

Licourice strips waiting to buy train tickets

Eventually we got to the ticket counter. The only train we could get to Granada was at 1am the next night, with a seat instead of a bed. I had another small freak out. So we went to get as late lunch. We went a Japanese buffet but had to order quickly before the kitchen closed. We ate tasty Japanese food before making our way back to the bus stop.

2 hours to get back to our hotel. We relaxed in our room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling, you're supposed to be relaxing not freaking out haha!!! :-)