Monday, September 15, 2008

Tuesday 09-09 - Back to London

By late morning we were still at the hostel. We weren´t in any kind of rush. We packed and ate and slowly started our journey to the airport.

The airport!!

I hadn´t flown since the Krakow-Prague flight. I had been so used to trains.
- Getting to the station just before jumping on.
- Hardly any security.
- Having your bag with you.
- Nice seats.
- Keeping your phone on.
- Easy to get to stations.

Good things about trains.

We got to the airport and checked our bags in. I remembered how nice it was to not have to think about all the luggage.
- Not having your bag with you.
- Much faster then trains.

Good things about planes.

The flight was fast and painless, but left us at Gatwick airport. We picked up our bags and caught the Gatwick Express (a train!) to Victoria station. Then the metro to Karen´s flat where she and Aiden were waiting for us.

Finally back in the UK

We ate pizzas and watched TV. Exactly what I hoped to be doing. Later in the evening we heard a buzz at the door. We were reunited with our mum who arrived only a few hours after us at Heathrow. It was great seeing her again.

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