Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wednesday 06-08 - Home Again

Up we jumped early as early can be. We had packed and showered the night before so we slipped quietly out and were at the train station by half 6. We were on a schedule so we needed to be out early. We had to get to Brussels by 11 for our eurostar to London.

We had booked out train back to London 2 days earlier then we had told Dani. A month or so back we had planned to surprise her. In happier circumstances. Now we just looked forward to being able hold and hug each other again. I was really looking forward to seeing her, plus Karen and Aiden. He must have grown so much already. I wanted to lie on her couch like I was at home. Her place is very much like my London home.

We hopped on the seven oclock train from Amsterdam. I slept most of the trip. We arrived some time after 10. We picked up our eurostar tickets then hung around for a short wile. At midday the train left.

The eurostar is a nice train to be sure, but not any nicer than the other trains I`ve been on. They make themselves out to be a big deal. But the seats were comfortable and before I knew it I was out of the tunnel and on the wonderful island. We sped through green pastures before coming to a halt at St Pancras.

At the back of my mind there was a glistening hope that some one might surprise us there. That glimmer of hope is a warm fuzzy feeling, but always leaves you a bit disappointed when it was just a hope.

We took the tube to Karens flat, where she and Aiden were waiting for us. Then it was all hugs and happiness. Karen´s friend from Australia was also there. Aiden had grown so much. He was aware of the world and would actually look at me. He would respond to my actions. He had become even more adorable then he already was. He smiled at me.

The 5 of us went to the local park after I freshened up. We picked up sushi and picniced under the shade of a London tree. I felt instantly at ease being there. There we chatted about the 2 months we had spent apart. We told our stories and they told theirs. Josh called Dani on Karen´s phone and surprised her. I was told that she was excited and was coming straight over to see us.

Josh and  Aiden reunited

After lunch we walked the area and made our down to Corem´s fields, the children park. We Karen showed us all the goats and other farm animals in the petting zoo. Then we watched a free talent show the park was running for the kids. Lots of girls dancing, but the winner was the double jointed shoulder kid.

We waited for Dani back at the flat. She arrived with Stacey, a school mate of ours from Perth who was staying with her for a few days. We headed off to a tavern to see a friend of Dani play in a band there. They were quite good but I don´t think I was in the best mood for music. We stayed a while and talked to some French people outside while lightnig lit the skies around us.

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