Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday 17-08 - What is left behind

I awoke to the sounds of shouting and movement. All around us the camp was dismantling itself piece by piece. Michael had already left on the ealry train with many other people. Cracks were appearing in the tightly packed, quilt work camp site. Now without the tents we could see the state of the grounds. Nothing had been thrown away. The few patched of surviving grass were covered by every type of garbage.

Afternath: camp 1

So many people didnt even try to repack tents and matresses. They were just left to be cleared away by whosever job it was to deal with it. Abandoned deck chairs and even abandoned marquees. Everything left was ruined and dirty. We abandoned our matresses and Dani left the broken cow tent where it lay.

Afternath: camp 3

Campers walked in lines like refugees to the exit and escape. We walked with them and got onto a train fairly quickly. The lines to get on the train stretched on forever. I was thankful we got in the front of the queue. we even got seats on the train.

At the Brussels station we had to wait until evening to get our train to Paris. We spent the time cleaning up in the station bathroom and eating truffles. They were so beautifully tasty.

Touristy but tasty truffles

We hopped the train to Paris and from there the metro to another station. We ran and just made in onto our overnight train to Henday. We set ourselves down on the first bed we had seen in days and foudn some rest.

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