Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sunday 10-08 - Into Brussels

We got up and packed, which took quite a while. We bid farewell to the flat mates and set off for our triplet adventure. We went from tube to station until we got on our train to Brussels. At belgium we found the metro and got made our way to the hostel.

The hostel was close by, we saw tall glass buildings as we went. It looked great from the outside. We had been corresponding with this hostel a month or so earlier. Originally we had booked 2 beds for 3 nights. Then Dani decided to join us so we booked 3 beds for three nights. Then cancelled the first reservation. We gave our names to the reception and were told there was no booking under our name. We explained our story and the more senior desk clerk checked the system. He checked for a long time. So we waited. And waited. The results were thus.

Whoever had seen our cancellation email had mistakenly cancelled everything under our name. So for the first night they would put us in their brand new emergency room. The rest we would spend in a nice three bed private and charge us only dorm prices. Score!

The reception was full of TinTin merchandise. We realised quickly that TinTin is actually Belgian,no matter how much the French tried to convince us otherwise.

We ate and planned some places to go over the next few days.

Brussels hostel dinner

Important map planning

We got out and walked around Brussels for a while. The frites place we checked out was closed already,so we just walked. They were lots of great shops and some old nice churches, next to each other. Especially great was a row of cult movie and comic shops. Only one was open but we would go back the next day to see the others.

We walked back towards our hostel. The glass building from before was lit up in the dark. Apparently 4200 lit up windows making rave like patterns and displaying weather forecastes. We watched for a bit then headed back to the hostel.

The cool light-up building

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