Tuesday, August 19, 2008

08-08 Friday - Shopping spree

I got up an hour earlier than I had planned. I still hadn't changed my phone to London time. It all worked out though because this was the morning that Karen left for Paris. She got all packed and then we went down to the park. We had cheese and tomato toasties with the trees and grass around us.

Morning at the park

Leane and Karen and Aiden set off at about 10. Josh and I packed our things and reorganised our clothes. Both of us had left large bags of clothes in our aunts basement. I brought out a new dress and packed some old shirts. I left things I wouldn't need in Belgium or Spain.

We had panned on getting to Dani earlier but got there just after midday. We set our things down in her room and instantly it was a mess. Which is what happens when two backpackers stay with you. We had a fry up for lunch.

Fry up lunch near Dani

We had to go back to Karen´s flat to get her festival boots which were still in the basement. No one was left at Karen´s to let us in, but Dani was friends with the guy living on the ground floor so it wasn´t a problem.

We were off to shop. First stop was boots. We restocked on all the bits that were finished or broken. Lots and lots of bathroom and first aid supplies. An enormous bag full. We popped into Argos to find a cheap tent but they were sold out in every store. Apparently there had been a huge camping festival in Brighton recently. Then camping store street. We passed by convent garden and the food market. All the food there looked amazing.

At one of the stores we found a two person quick set up tent for 20 pound. It was on sale from 50. We also picked up danis micro towel and what day she calls a cag-in-a-bag (light weight water proof jacket that folds into a small bag). Apparently it is an essential for rainy festivals.

Also an essential are Wellington boots. We found a black pair for Josh at Boots at Office but they were all too big for me there. I needed shoes for really really small feet. I did find at a store further down the street. They had vast range of colours and patterns to chose from. I chose black with coloured flowers.

Break time.

We stopped for coffee and tea to relax our feet and our heads.

The pre-camping shopping spree

Back to running around. Dani needed a locked for her door before she went away with us. Installing a complete lock system is a real chore as what she needed was something simple, a padlock she could drill into the door.

We walked into a hardware store just as the register was being closed.
¨We need a lock¨
¨yes, we are locked¨

Anyway they very nicely let us buy the lock. We walked down to forbidden planet and then back to Dani´ś.

Josh and Dani put the lock on her door while I used her computer to book our train tickets to Pukkelpop from Brussels. We made dinner of pasta, grilled eggplant, tomato and sauce. We made for too much and offered the rest around. Then Josh went out with friends while Dani and I hung around at her place.

Triplet coffee power

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