Monday, August 4, 2008

Saturday 25-07 - The locals


To Dijon. Onto the train only at 11-30, giving us time to look around the station. We also had to get rid of our Francs. Kept on just not having enough for the things we wanted so we used euros and still had the francs left. Josh got a shot glass. I got this cool Swiss flag pillow. Its nice and comfortable and I like the red and white design. Switzerland has a great flag,design wise.

Onto the train and into Dijon. We stepped outside to swimmingly humid and hot weather, raindrops occasionally falling from the covered sky. Down we walked to the information centre and found the bus number to get us t6o our place. A review on the booking site had complained about location. They said it was very far out, 2km away. With a backpack to carry, yes, that is far. But unladden thats nothing really. We walked much further in some of the cities we went to. It takes maybe half an hour. I think that reviewer was just complaining too much.

The hostel was nice and new and clean. But again no kitchen, darn.

A few days prior Josh had been on the internets and had gotten in touch with a guy who would be doing his masters course with him at the end of year. This Simon was French and as it turned out came from Dijon. Even more of a coincidence he would be in Dijon for that week end. They both agreed to meet and he could show us around a bit. Back at the hostel he messaged him and arranged to meet early that evening.

After a short rest we set out to meet him. We were set to meet at the main square in front of the Palais de Ducs. It was a huge palace building behind water fountains. We stood in the middle of the square and waited for him to find us. We would be hard to miss, the only two lost tourist looking types standing clueless in the centre. He came up to us and introduced himself.

We sat down at a café-bar on the square with him and his two friends. They were both from Dijon but studied theatre in Paris. They looked the part of French theatre students. We could quickly tell they had been drinking probably from when we got onto the train. But their English was still good. Josh and Simon got really into conversation. The rest of us added things occasionally.

After a beer there we all set out to the main restaurant and bar area. They showed us interesting little attractions on the way. We went to a cosy little bar. I could tell they were regulars by the way they greeted the bar staff at the door. All with kisses. Oh yea, the kissing thing. When we met they guys they shook Josh´s hand but lent in to kiss me on both cheeks. Simon explained this was the French way to greet girls and guys if you are good friends. It took a little getting used to. I think he could tell I felt awkward about it, I wasn´t really sure what I was doing.

We had apertifs there. A drink called 51 which is like sambuca. Just before dinner they go out for drinks, usually strong liqueur diluted with water and ice.

Anise flavoured aperitif

Simon had to have dinner with his parents so we parted ways. Josh and I had pizza in a French Italian place in the main restaurant district. By this time I had drunk a lot. A glass of beer and the 51 drink. For me that is a lot. I was quite buzzed at dinner. We wandered around the city for a bit after that,which was good because it gave me time to sober up a bit. Later me remet with Simon and theatre friend Vincent.

They walked us down to another friends house. Simon explained that its a rare occurrence that they are all in Dijon at the same time, so they were having a get-together. On the way we were shown more interesting things, like the lucky owl. The mascot of Dijon is the owl (chuette), you can always hear them. On the Dijon Notre Dame there is a small stone owl cut into the one corner. If you put your left hand on it you get a wish.

The square where we met the local boys

Liberation square at night

At the friends house there were 5 or so people sitting on a table outside. They were drinking beer and playing poker and listening to music on the guy´s mac. We were introduced to everyone and I got a lot of cheek kisses. I noticed that guys who are good friends also give cheek kisses. I kinda like it. There's a casual intimacy and closeness that kind of physical contact.

On our side of the table Simon set up a drinking game. We played with Vincent and the party host. It was game of chance and bluffing involving 2 die in a mug. I had good fun, even though I have the world´s worst poker face. It also gave us a chance to perfect our pronunciation of numbers, with which Simon the boys helped. I drank more beer as the rain began to fall.

We spent a while hanging out inside after that. More people showed up and everyone was chatting away. We were only chatting occasionally. i have a few nice short conversations with some of the people, as most did English in high school I think. It was a bit awkward.

At about 2am we decided to call it a night. Our hearts weren´t really into Dijon I think. Not because it wasn´t a nice city, but because we had our sites set on Paris. Paris is were we would meet up with Dani again. I was so excited about it. Also, I had drunk too much beer for my own good and wouldn't have stayed conscious much longer than that. I needed to walk it off. Simon showed us the direction back to our hostel. The hostel ended up being very walkable, only a stroll away. I collapsed into bed.

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