Monday, August 25, 2008

Saturday 23-08 - Police

Still half drunk, I was awoken by a sound. Standing at our bedroom door Was a policeman. Which was a bit confusing. The hostel guy next to him said that he needed to have a chat and would give 5 minutes to get ready. I quickly to on a shirt than was lying on my bed. Only then did I realise he was talking to the girl under me in the bunk, not the whole room. she ran out to him. I heard muttered words of "we didn´t know what happened to her at the end of the night". I fell back to sleep as if it were a dream.

The rest of the morning I spent nursing a killer hangover. When asked, no one was really talking about what had happened, other than to say things like "well I was with this other person". People came and went, bags got dragged into our room and changes of clothes were taken out. We walked around the area for a bit and got some snacks from a near by shop. On the way back we got a call from Karen, which cheered me up a lot. We came back to the hostel and relaxed for a while. All the while we chatted about the morning´s events. Dani, Josh and I speculated as to what had happened. We thought being caught with drugs or maybe a minor overdose.

In the evening we set off to have a nice dinner at a place called La Fonda. Both the hostel guy and the LP book had recommended the place. It was near where Sidecar had been, at Placa Real. There was line around the corner for the place. It was amazing. It was a proper restaurant, not some fast food joint with a high turnover of customers. I didn´t know how they would work through some a large queue at normal restaurant pace.

But somehow they did. We drank sangria ate a huge pan of vegetable paella. It was good and left me time to sleep afterwards. I really needed the sleep. When we got back, the group involved in the mystery incident were curled up in PJs on the hostel couch, sharing blankets. In my experience, that type of thing means it something quite serious.

Sangria by the jug, the way to do it

I thought about it more, then climbed my bunk to sleep. We never found out what happened to her that night.

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