Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sunday 24-08 - Smurfville

We slept in again, but this time it seemed like we had reason. I was happy to try and recuperate. It was, after all it was our last day there. We got out and walked around the local area.

Then to the gothic area,where we walked around more. We found some old roman ruins and modernisme style architecture. Then some how found ourselves at Maremagnum shopping centre again. We saw they had a Ben and Jerrys. So we had ice cream. The rest of the afternoon was quiet.

In the evening we were recuperated and looking for something to do. We had picked the wrong night to stay in. Saturday was huge and Sunday was very sleepy. Most of the clubs or bars we wanted to try out were closed. We searched the internet for a while. We found a maybe bar that seemed merely ok. Luckily we were staying at a hostel that cares for the party times of its guests. There are always things happening if Barcelona if you know who to ask. We asked the receptionist / evening activities coordinator Tom from Brazil. He told us there was a huge street party a mere 10 minutes walk away. We waited in the lobby until we had gathered a crowd of hostellers willing to give it a go.

We started the night in the basement recreation area. We drank champs and then the cheap sangria. We watched Oceans Eleven on the hostel system and met a bunch of new Americans and Australians. It was past midnight by the time were ready to go out. We were quite buzzed by then.

We all headed out towards the party. Tom had printed some maps for us and said he would meet up with us to party when his shift ended at 2am. He said the party would be going to 4. We followed his map but no one could get the directions quite right so we went the very long way around. We did find it eventually.

The first street we came across was baby themed. At the entrance stood a giant crib with a giant baby inside. Beyond the infant gate keeper was a packed street. Mexican music came flowing from the band. A stall sold mojitos. Above us hung a canopy of baby clothes stretching as far the eye could see.

Crete paper baby at street party

Canopy of baby clothes

We walked around and through the crowd, taking in the spectacle. There were oversized play pens and high chairs.

Dani in giant playpen

The next street had a canopy of red streamers. In the centre a platform held a man and his mac book. He programed almost metal music for the crowd below. By this time we were looking desperately for a bathroom. Only a few of the bars were open along the street. Finding a bathroom would be difficult.

The next street was my favourite. It was a smurf village. Giant glowing mushrooms next to wooden houses with smurfs of them. Smurf cut outs hanging above. People walking around, dressed as smurfs. It was great.

Smurf village

Smurf village 2

At this point Dani and I really needed the bathroom so we seperated from the others. By the time we found a place and got back they were gone. We spent the next 10 minutes looking for them, but there was no trace. It was about 2am by now, although we didnt have the map to know where to meet Tom. The party was finishing up a couple hours early. Everything was shutting down and the music was gone. So we made we way back to the hostel.

Synchronised dancing

On the way we saw a pair of swings in a playground. We spent some time enjoying the swings. They really are one of life´s simple pleasures. Then to bed. After all, we were leaving early the next morning.

The Barcelona group at street party

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