Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Saturday 09-08 - Field Day

Field Day. We woke up much later than we had planned, or at least than I had planned. We got up and looked out the window. There were a few clouds but mostly blue sky. So I took with me my cag-in-a-bag but left the boots. We had egg sammiches for breakfast before heading out.

Josh and I arrived first at the park where the festival was held. At the gates we picked up the tickets. By now it was drizzling and the sky was completely covered over. There wasn´t a trace of blue anywhere. I kept thinking I should have brought my wellies. But I put on my jacket anyway and hope the rain would stop.

Protected from the rain

Cags and all 2

We met Dani at the gates and went in. The place was set up like a country down. There were egg and spoon races happening. There were bales of straw to sit on. Flags hanging from stalls for wack-a-rat.

Egg and spoon race at Field Day

And a big sign that read:

Village Mentality

Since we were late we had missed the first act we wanted to see, so we moved to the mainstage to catch the Howlinh Bells. I kept thinkin about how they used to be a pop-rock band from East Australia and completely reinvented themselves in London. I wondered how many other 1 or 2 hit bands had reinvented themselves. They were quite enjoyable though.

It was pouring with rain the while time. And cold. Everywhere there were umbrellas and raincoats and ponchos. It didn't have the happy sunny vibe of most festivals I´ve been to. The was more ofa tired, annoyed vibe. When we asked people who they there, most said they spent a loty of the time just standing around and complaining about the weather.

The rain falls on trendy haircuts

We moved to an undercover tent stage and watched some of the Filthy Dukes. I didn't know their stuff but it wasn´t too bad. I didn't even mind the crush of people. They were warm and friendly. Dani and I followed the show with a bathroom run. Already the lines were incredible to get to the port-a-loo area. It took 10 minutes to get in and when we got back we couldn't find Josh. So we went to a stage for a band I was looking forward to only to find there was a missprint in the time table and they weren´t on for another hour.

We met up with Josh at our meeting place. Then had burgers and burritos for lunch. We stood in the rain and ate. There was almost no point of the day that was free of rain. It kept beating down in a constant veil that fell over the city.

We returned to the stage again and got to see Tuung. Who were amazing. I was really looking to forward to them and they didn't dissappoint.

Tuung at  Field Day 1

Then we ran to the main stage to see Of Montreal. They started with one of my favourite of their songs. Then didn't play anything I knew for the reest of the set. They were good to watch, but I couldn't really get into it.

Of Montreal at Field Day 2

After we sat on a hay bale for a while. We were suddenly all tired and put out by the rain. We got a brownie and coffee.

Homemade brownies

Coffee to warm the blood

We sat and watched other people pass by.

Piggy back umbrella fight

Rest 2

We walked around until Les Savy Fav came on. They were crazy and fun and I had a good time dancing.

Les Savy Favy throws lost shoes

Later we got pies for diner and then caught the Foals. we danced to them and walked back to Dani´s flat. Josh went to bed but Dani, Alex and I stayed up for a while and talked.

My first European festival: a success.

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