Friday, August 22, 2008

Tuesday 19-08 - A new day Barcelona

...The rising sun was our alarm clock. Drifting through sleep and consciousness we sat outside the station in Madrid through out the night, until it opened its doors near 6am. In a daze we picked up we things and headed for our train. We didnt really talk much, we just kept walking. On the 3 hour train to Barcelona I got some sleep, leaning on my hand.

We found our way via Metro to the hostel. Well, first we got lost by the poor directional skills of the tourism office girl. But we did get there and when we did I was most impressed. We stayed at the Sant Jardi Sans. A bit out of the central area but still in walking distance. It had all the modern conveniences and free sheets/kitchens of a large chain hostel. But was actually quite small. Small enough for the staff to know every guest´s name and personally show you around and point out the best sites on a map. They were friendly and truly seemed to care about your stay.

We showered (yay!) and then went to find some groceries. We sat for Spanish tortilla baguettes which were amazing. We then spent a lot of the day with a much needed blog and photo catch up. We did this until we couldn´t concentrate anymore. Then set out walking towards the centre of the city. It was nice. We walked through local streets with the warm air around us. We would stop every block or so to check out shops. We stopped into health food shops and bakeries for snacks. All very relaxing.

Cherry and custard baked goods in Barcelona

We found a giant chain book shop. There we bought a TimeOut guide to Barcelona. I was browsing the comics and saw the most amazing travel journal comic. It was covered in printed material and called Conejo de Viaje (Travel Rabbit). It was all in Spanish. I bought it anyway and planned to work through it as I got better at the language.

We sat for coffee at a slightly touristy place on Rambla de Catalunya. It had baileys and tasted heavenly. Turning around, we realised we were sitting right near a famous Gaudi house.

Gaudi House 1

Gaudi House 2

Metro back to the Hostel. Went to bed early.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gaudi is insane.

- helen