Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thursday 21-08 - The church

Again we slept in.

We went down to breakfast/lunch to find the rest of the group recovering from a long night. They were planning on hiring bikes and riding around the city. We thought this sounded like a great idea. We went with them to the bike place.

On the way one of the girls commented on how short I was. At the bike rental we put down deposits and paid the fees, then we were given the bikes. It was only then that I realised their bikes came in only 2 sizes: too big for Emma and too small for Emma. The bike was so tall I could hardly get on it. I wanted to go with them, but there was no way I could the monstrosity without falling over. I would have to be in constant motion the entire time. So the rest of group went off while the three of us got refunds. I felt a bit guilty. Dani had really wanted to bike around one city on our trip, but we hadn´t been able to.

We took out refund money and had a nice lunch instead. It started with sangria. Then tasty tuna belly salad with asparagus. We shares some tapas of patatas bravas and tortilla/tomato bread. I felt a whole lot better after the meal.

Lunchtime sangria

Tuna and asparagus salad

Tortilla, tomato bread and prawns

The Sagrada Familia. It really is a most outstanding church. Each little detail is magnificent. I love Gaudi´s attention to detail. I love his style. We were told by the hostel people not to bother buying a ticket to get inside. We trusted their advice so we walked all around the church before heading back.

Sagrada Familia and Malfi

Malfi and me at Sagrada Familia 2

Even his statues are great

We found the place to get the cheap sangria we had seen people drinking. One euro for a litre and a half of sangria is insane. We went up to the roof with the rest of the big Australian group. They were playing drinking games. They wanted us to join them. At first I said no and watched. Drinking games are not good for a person who can´t drink much.

Eventually I gave in and started playing with them. It probably wasn´t the best idea. It was a fun time though. Looking over at the other table on the roof, there were people we hadn´t met yet. They turned out to be some nice Canadians, Americans and an awesome Finnish guy. I sat with them for a while and we listened to Finnish guy tell us about the army service there.

Drinking games on the roof

After drinking we set for the shot bar. Every one had been talking about this bar with a huge shot menu and everything only cost 2 euro. It sounded too good to be true. We went down with everyone to this bar. Across the wall were boards packed with words and phrases. Every shot name one could possibly think of. We spent time staring at the wall, trying to decide what to get. I settled on a verano loco and a snoopy.

Tobay and Josh riding to shot bar

On the way to shot bar

Dani, Josh and I had read about a club set up like a carnival. Bumper cars and fair rides at a bar. It sounded amazing and was only a few blocks from the shot bar. We took the Finnsh guy with us and went to find it. It was ok, nothing too spectacular. I think mostly because it was empty-ish. It would be great if it were packed with people. We only stayed a few minutes then headed back to the shot bar.

The angels on assignment at the circus club

Well, we tried to, anyway. We got lost with our drunk directional skills. 20 or so minutes later we found the bar again. The rest of the group had already moved on to their next drinking spot. So we stayed a little longer and had a shot called banana (banana liqueur with a candy banana in it). I was getting really knocked out so we decided to head back. The four of us caught a taxi and made our way home.

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