Monday, June 23, 2008

Tuesday 17-06 - Paros and the beach

We boarded the bus at 9 to start our tour of Paros optional tour. Other tour members had decided to rent quads and visit all the beaches. I´m not the kind of person who can sit at different beaches all day. I wanted to actually see the island. So we set of driving between the hills and the sea. There were house building speckling the landscape. We got out of the bus at the entrance to Lefkes, a central town. The buses cant go through, as the streets are labyrinth of white painted stones made to confuse pirates.

Lefkes or Parikia


There was a church with a story to it. The pirates attacked the town, killing the wives and children. They settled themselves in the town. The preist of the town invited all the pirates over for a large dinner. They drank and drank the wine, which was mixed with sedative herbs. The moment they were passed out all the men in the town descended on the pirates and killed every last one. They took all the treasure they found and used it to build the church.

Church of revenge, Lefkes

We ducked in to a shop near the church for water. The owner came out with a big bowl full of home grown apricots and offered them to us. We ate apricots and carried on through the maze.

Apricots for all 02

Apricots for all 01

Everything is so beautiful here. The bright white walls make all the windows,trimmings and colours seem so much stronger. We wondered through until we came to a ice parlor. They gave us all ice cream and we ate in front of the ocean views.

Ice creams

Ice parlour, Lefkes

Eventually we got back to the bus. We drove to the next town, Naoussa. Niki led us to a harbor with an old castles stone type place. I wasn´t really listening because I was busy putting on suncream. I really didn't want to get burnt.

Boats, Naossa

On the Naossa docks 2

Town view

We bused again to a restaurant near Amenas beach. We had salad, Tzatziki with bread and moussaka. It was all good.



Then onto the beach. The beach was incredibly picturesque. There were smooth and irregularly shaped rocks to each side. the water. wow.

Beach from the water

Rocks, us

We lay on the beach until 5. At some point the group that were Quad biking around the island joined us. They had been to 2 other beaches before this one. We all just lay there under the umbrellas or in the sun or in the water.

When we got back I went to shower. To my horror, I took off my shirt to reveal a red-pink expanse across my abdomen and large U shaped burn across my back. I was angry with myself. I had been so carefully to not get burnt. I had been diligent in my suncream. I had put on more cream when I got the beach. Strangely, the areas I creamed on the bus by the castle ruins were fine. In fact I had wanted those areas to tan and they were still pale. The burnt areas were only those I put cream on when I to the beach. All I can think is that Ilay down on the towel too soon after applying and it got rubbed off. Josh also had some red patches.

I moaned to Josh for a while,then put my shirt back on and went to find a pharmacy. I passed one of our tour guides as I left the hotel. She highly recommended using youhgart as an after sun cream for burns. The other guide recommended it to someone else a few days earlier. It seems bizarre, but they swear by it. I went to the pharmacy and picked up some aloe vera cream. Then I went to the supermarket for a tub of plain yoghurt. First we applied the aloe, then we covered ourselves in yoghurt. It smelt really awful. We sat there for half an hour, covered in the stuff. When it had hardened we washed it off and doused ourselves in cold water. Then more Aloe and ready to go out.

We went with the tour leaders and a few other people a cheap and cheerful souvlaki place. I had chicken in pita with chips in it, plus some wine. Then to the guides´ favourite haunt, the Saloon D´or. They seemed to be on good terms with the staff. The soccer was being played at every bar and club on the island and this place was no exception. Some of the group sat near the screen while the rest of us sat somewhere closer to the music.

The waiter brought out pink shots for everyone at the table, on the house. Apparently they are called ẅatermelon and have bits of orange juice, vodka and some other bits. They were sweet and easy to down.

Watermelon shots

The music became more dancey as the clock got closer to 12. We started dancing and were soon joined by fellow topdeckers. We danced until 2am, to 90s and 00s R&B, hip hop and pop. We left just as the DJ started to bring out the pub anthems like Bon Jovi.

Josh, Niki, Me
Jasmine, Mia, Daniel

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