Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunday 22-06 - The long boat

We packed our things and waited for the 2pm bus. Josh and I walked down to the town to look around and buy snacks for the 8 hour ferry ride. Josh found a nice wallet.

Tomatoes and a strawberry

We decided for lunch to get the Greece staple: the gyros pita. We´ve had many of these while in Greece, with varying degrees of taste. This was by far the worst gyros pita I have eaten in Greece. I couldn´t finish it, the chicken was that bad.

We waited back at the hotel.

Santorini hotel

We had ice cream.

Josh with the impromptu iceypole Me with the impromptu iceypole

When the bus came it was time to say goodbye to the people we were leaving behind. We all hugged and swapped facebook details and told each other we´d stay in touch.

The port was winding again as we boarded. The ferry was overbooked and the ride long, so the group had a plan to grab good seats. We ran as fast as we could to the front of the line. Who ever could get there first threw bags over every nice chair and table to save places. We did pretty well.

The boat ride was a little rocky, but not too bad. We played cards and slept and ate tuna salad. Then late to sleep.

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