Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sunday 15-06 - Meeting day

Breakfast was a nice European breakfast. Fruit,cereal, toast, eggs, all the good stuff. And tea!! A really smart buffet. I had been missing all of them and was sorely lacking in fruit and cereal. I stayed away from the croissants and unhealthy foods they had on offer. Ok,well,coco pops isn´t THAT healthy, but close enough.

We set off for the markets we had seen closed at night. they look like most markets do. There were lots of souvenir shops, than shoe stores and fake antique dealers tucked away under stairs. I saw some bronze owls. I haven't actively collected owls in years, but it seemed like a nice idea to pick up a few nice additions on this trip. So might grab one of them. They are a lot less hassling here than in Egypt. They don't scream at you and grab your arm. Plus you don't get hassled more if you were shorts or a skirt.

The roman markts

Ruins by the markets

We turned off the markets to the main tourist restaurant area. A different area to last night. This is the hassle place. The streets are packed with tables with menus on stands. The men from each place get your attention in any way they can and cam be quite intrusive.

We saw a place called IceGrill. They did gelato and food. They are similar to all the other restaurants, except for the pictures out front of traditional greek donuts. Thats what won us over. We tried ordering from a woman who worked there but didn't know the word donut. Thank god for picture menus. We sat at a table and waited and waited. We were just about to leave when they brought our food out. Was worth the wait though. We had greek donuts, with honey and cinnamon and crushed walnuts, with white chocolate ice cream on top. It was tasty and big enough to be lunch for both of us.

Greek donuts, white chocolate icecream, honey, cinnamon, walnuts

Next was back to the park at Syntagma square to finish what ever photos and blogging were left. Then to the hotel for the first meeting with the topdeck guide and group. The guide, Niki, seems nice and knowledgeable of the area. I keep comparing her to Rafik though. He was just such an incredible leader that I know I´m going to judge everyone harshly by comparison.

She told us about the optional extras we could do. In Paros we can do a tour of the island and lunch in a mountain village. In Mykonos we can boat to Paradise beach (the party central of the party island). In Santorini we can get a boat to the offshore volcano and swim in the volcanic hots springs with mineral mud baths. Paros and Santorini I really want to do. They are pricey (55-75 euro) but well worth it I think. Mykonos I´ll give a miss. Niki says its nothing you can´t do on the rest of the island.

We met the group at the meeting. All Australians, very different to the diverse nationalities we had in Egypt. Quite a few living and working in London, which is to be expected. I don't think any other Perth people either. About 20, of which 5 or so are cousins/spouses/friends in a big group from a wedding. One is a topdeck photographer, for a new brochure they´re bringing out.

One girl allergic to egg, one girl to 3 specific types of nuts. A group of 3 just finished high school. I haven't seen much of that at all. All seem nice.

Most seem to be here for all day beaches and all night clubbing. Niki was explaining the island itinerary and got to the part with paradise beach and its clubs. A large portion of the group suddenly gasped and smiled excitedly to each other. After the briefing Niki led us to a strip of bars and restaurants. Chatting to the photographer girl, she had recently been on one of the Egypt topdeck tours. She had met Rafik and we talked for a while about how great he was as a guide.

We looked at all the food joints around, but they all seemed expensive and touristy. So I ended up leading 16 or so of the group to the place I ate at the night before. On the way I really hoped I was going the right way and not leading a giant, hungry group to the middle of nowhere. Fortunately I found the place and we pushed a bunch of tables together.

We ordered humouli and feta and another salted grilled cheese for the table, with breads and really good tzatziki. Plus red metal tubs of red wine. We got open chicken gyros platters. They were huge! Also very tasty. Spending time with everyone like this was a great way to introduce ourselves. We never got this chance in Egypt and only got to know people half way through the tour.

Bread and wine

Chicken gyros platter

We all chatted and split off as we made our way back to the hotel. The nights here are so warm with cool breeze. They are perfect for strolling down stone covered streets in sandals and relaxing.

The Achelleas hotel

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