Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thursday 29-05 - Tanning and Temples

The boat docked late Wednesday night. We had the opportunity to visit a temple at 6.30am, but I chose to sleep. After all, the day before had been very taxing. It was only a smaller temple and apparently was quite similar to Edfu.

At midday we met in the reception. Outside there was a hectic bombardment to horses and carriages swarming nearby. In groups of 4 we got into the carriages and on our way. They were done up with blacker and some materials,with tassels and a gold covering on the metal bars. It was hot and sunny that day, so we all vied for the shady seats. The driver kept trying to get one of us to climb up next to him. I wasn't going to leave the shade, no matter how much he gestured. (I was using Josh's camera from this point, so photos are his.)

Horse and cart 2

Emma and Emily

Edfu temple is a temple dedicated to Horus, who has a falcons head. It was built in greek times, but in the ancient temple style.

Us outside Edfu temple

Us with Horus

The roof was dotted with small holes, letting light peak through and hit the dust in the air. The resulting rays shone visibly through out the temple and gave it an almost spiritual atmosphere.

Em at Edfu templeMe at Edfu temple

Best. Picture. Ever.

The temple was filled with birds chirping about.

We horse and carted back to the boat for lunch. Then went up to the upper deck to sunbathe. The nile banks passed me as I lay in the sun and it was amazing. We got to the water lock at around sunset. So all the people stood around in their bathers as we tried to get through the channel.

Cruising the Nile

We kept bumping into the walls.

As we slowly passed by, we spied people on the dock below. They were trying to sell us wraps and towels from 10 meters below us. Someone on the ship must have bought one, because there were bundled towels being thrown up and down between the cruise ship and the dock. It kept us all well amused.

Merchants at the lock

As we passed the last dock the sun hid behind the trees and dome shaped roofs.

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