Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wednesday 14-05 - Dance night

During the day Josh and I attempted to brave the crowds on Oxford street to do a little shopping. Shortly after vowing to never brave it again. Its crowded with tourists who are loud and stop in the middle of the foot path so you keep smashing into them.

We ended up buying Josh 2 tops, nothing for me though.

Then we parted ways and I met up with Dani for a dance night. We went to this club called Metro I think. It was like the amplifier but I knew less songs and there was lots of cider everywhere. The club only opened at 11-30ish which seems late for a Wednesday, then again it is London.

Met these guys who are english but lived in Perth for 10 years and called us amplifier girls,or something like that.We danced around and drank cider and they played The Black Kids ¨Not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance..¨ twice!!!. Which is pretty darn good.

Then back to our flat at 3ish where we giggled loudly and ate cold left over chinese omelet.

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